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Meliã Ibiza

Social Media

Meliã Ibiza is the brand’s latest opening in Ibiza. Located in a privileged area of Santa Eulalia, the refurbished hotel is the perfect place to enjoy Ibiza in a unique way and is one of the island’s new landmarks.

Thanks to its unique location in front of the sea, the hotel is a perfect balcony from which to enjoy the Mediterranean, offering a unique stay in front of its crystalline waters. In addition to being located in a key location, its facilities, which have been meticulously cared for, offer all the necessary comforts for guests to enjoy an exclusive service in keeping with the category of the establishment.

For the communication on social media, we wanted Meliá Ibiza to be much more than a hotel where to stay, to become a destination within Ibiza. To this end, we have developed a differentiated visual line that seeks to make an impact on the user.

As part of the project, a special graphic line has been developed for communication on social media, introducing new typographies and compositions that represent the essence of the hotel and the destination.

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